Used Artificial Turf vs New Artificial Turf

Below is a comprehensive list comparing New Artificial Turf vs Used Artificial Turf.

New Artificial Turf Used Artificial Turf
Cleanliness Clean Not Clean
Moisture Dry Wet
Weight Lighter Weight Heavier
Life Expectancy Longer Life Shorter Life
Fiber Consistency Consistent Fibers (Pile Height) Uneven, Frayed Fibers
Backing Consistent Backing Existing Glue & Tape on Back
Seaming Easier to Seam together Uneven Seams
Lead Content No Lead Lead (from Older Fields)
Infill No Infill Rubber Infill Remnants
Mold No Mold Moldy
Odor Smells New Odors

Still considering Used Turf? Ask your used turf provider how old the turf is, who the original manufacturer was and a copy of the specifications from the manufacturer of the original field. The architect would have required this, so it exists.

Items Previously Found in Used Turf
Dead kittens
Dog & Goose Excrement
Dead Snakes
Live Snakes
Fire Ants
Band Aids
Used Gauze Tape
Football Mouthpieces
Broken Glass
And More…